The conference is an international gathering of scientists and practitioners that is dedicated to modern trends in the maritime sector, as well as socioeconomic development and management issues. Following a positive evaluation by the editorial board, the articles presented at the conference, after a positive evaluation by the editorial board, will be published in the international scientific, peer-reviewed journal "Innovative Economy and Management", in the 2024 edition volume N2. The journal is indexed by ERIHPLUS (European Reference Index). For details on how to publish an article in the journal, please see the following address:
Additionally, abstracts of the conference presentations will be published electronically in the conference abstract collection. The materials of academic personnel of higher educational institutions, scientists of scientific-research institutions, PhD students, state and local self-government bodies and companies, representatives, and specialists works will be accepted at the conference.
Participation option: at the venue, remote
Conference language: Georgian, English
Format: Hyrid (in – person & Online)
Lali KHVEDELIDZE Chancellor of BNTU, Chairman of the Organizing Committee |
Gela GVARISHVILI First Deputy Rector of Batumi Navigation Teaching University |
Elida KHVEDELIDZE Associate Professor at BNTU, Deputy Chancellor |
Mirza SUKNISHVILI Head of the Research Center of BNTU, Assistant Professor |
Giorgi ABASHIDZE Project Manager of the Research Center of BNTU, Assistant |
Ekaterine MUSKHAJBA Dean of Maritime-Engineering Faculty at BNTU |
Ekaterine CHIKOVANI Associate Professor at BNTU |
Nino TCHILAIA Associate Professor at BNTU |
Givi Bakradze Associate Professor at BNTU |
Enrike INTSKIRVELI Master's student at BNTU |
Parmen KHVEDELIDZE Rector of Batumi Navigation Teaching University, Professor, Master Mariner Chairman of the Editorial Board |
George GABEDAVA Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs at Batumi Navigation Teaching University, Associate Professor |
Ketevan GOLETIANI Professor. Dean of the Faculty Business and Logistics of Batumi Navigation Teaching University |
Natia MIKLETADZE Head of Quality Assurance Service at BNTU, Professor |
Andrei LABARTKAVA Professor at Batumi Navigation Teaching University |
Tengiz APKHAZAVA Professor at Batumi Navigation Teaching University |
Ekaterine GVARISHVILI Associate Professor of Batumi Navigation Teaching University |
Natalia TCHKONIA Associate Professor at Batumi Navigation Teaching University |
Nino ABESADZE Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Badri GECHBAIA Professor of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Journal "Innovative Economics and Management", editor-in-chief |
Natia TSIKLASHVILI Professor of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University |
Gela Mamuladze Professor of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University |
Irma DIKHAMINDJIA Professor at Sokhumi State University |
Tea KASRADZE Professor at Caucasus International University |
Anzor ABRALAVA Professor at Georgian Technical University |
Eugeniy TRUSHLIAKOV Professor, Rector of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine |
Elina GAILE-SARKANE Professor Dr. oec. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Riga Technical University |
Viktor KOVAL Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail, Ukraine |
Michael BOURLAKIS Professor of Cranfield School of Management UK , . Director of Research and Director of the Centre for Logistics, Procurement & Supply Chain Management Logistics |
Junko SUGAWARA Associate Professor University of Houston, College of Technology , Supply Chain and Logistics Faculty, Houston |
Mariana PETROVA prof., St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria |
Deniss DJAKONS Dr.oec, Professor, Rector ISMA, Riga, Latvia |
Oleh NOVOMLYNETS Rector of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Professor, Chernihiv, Ukraine |
Lyudmila SHYMANOVSKA-DIANICH Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Poltava, Ukraine |
Halyna KUZMENKO PhD in Economics, Professor. Honorary Doctor of Batumi Navigation teaching University. Honored Economist of Ukraine Knight of the Order of Princess Olga |
Dr. Bożena PIECHOWICZ Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Rector, Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Mazovia, (Siedlce, Poland) |
Anton PHILIPENKО President PO "All-Ukrainian Association of International Economists" |
Natalya USHENKO Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of International Economics, Boris Grinchenko Kiev Metropolitan University, Vice-President of the All-Ukrainian Association of International Economists, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Vasyl LOPUSHNIAK Lviv National Environmental University, Rector, Professor |
Olha PROKOPENKO Professor at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Olha RUDENKO Professor at Chernihiv Polytechnic National University |
Nataliia VDOVENKO Professor at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine |
Sergei MIDELSKI President of the Regional Academy of Management, Astana, Kazakhstan |
Zaneta SIMANAVICIENE Professor. Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania |
Zbigniew Szozda Faculty of Navigation, Maritime University of Szczecin, Professor |
Tatijana Dlabač Dean of Faculty of Maritime Studies University of Montenegro, Associate Professor |
Spiro Ivosevic Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Montenegro, Professor |
Olena MAKSYMETS PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Management and Marketing Department, Ukrainian National Forestry University |
Evelina KULCHYTSHKA PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Management and Marketing Department, Ukrainian National Forestry University |
Mariam DARBAIDZE Professor, Alterbridge University |
Abstract collection
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Important Dates
checkRegistration and paper submit: may 27, 2024
check Notification of paper acceptance: Individual announcement: June 1, 2024
checkConference: June 24, 2024
Accommodation & Transport
check hotel booking
Conference participants are responsible for individually taking care of accommodation. Hotels can be booked via or other systems.
check Transportation
The Conference Organizing Committee will meet all participants of the Conference and help them in placement. Please provide timely information about the date and time of arrival in Batumi.
Batumi is a seaside town located on the Black Sea coast, it is the center of the Adjara Autonomous Republic in Southwest Georgia. Batumi is often regarded as the second capital of Georgia. Its population is about 210,000 and goes up to 750,000 during the summer tourist season.
Batumi is an important port city and commercial center. Transcaucasian Railway and Baku oil pipeline are ending in this city. Sarpi border, which connects Turkey with Georgia and Azerbaijan, is located near Batumi.
Batumi is located in the subtropical region and is rich in citrus and tea. The temperature is in the winter 6-8 ° C and summer is 22-23 ° C. This city industry consists of shipbuilding, food processing and light manufacturing. Its main economy is based on tourism.